▷Detailing Buckets Important In Car Care San Diego

Detailing Buckets – How Important Are They In Car Care In San Diego?

Detailing Buckets Important In Car Care San Diego

With the processes and products used in car care always evolving to ensure the subject of the ‘wash’ remains as safe from the dreaded swirls or scratches as possible, one of the few things that have remained a constant is the good old detailing bucket. Having said that, where using one detailing bucket was once the norm, deploying a ‘Two Bucket Method’ is now the safest way to go.

The Single Bucket Wash

Detailing buckets to come in many guises; plastic, metal, even inflatable! However, they are all designed with only one purpose in mind – to hold water for use when washing your car. But if it can also be used for other purposes (such as holding cleaning solutions or wheel cleaning products, for example) and makes it easier to wash your car (for example, having a raised handle that allows you to stand whilst you scrub), then so much the better.

The most obvious advantage of using one bucket is space-saving. If you live in an apartment block or a home with limited storage space, storing one detailing bucket will save valuable room. In fact, if there are two people washing the same vehicle at the same time and each uses a single detailing bucket, there can be minimal overlap between buckets in terms of their usage – thus reducing water wastage by 50%! 

Having said that, though, where possible, always try to store your cleaning equipment out of direct sunlight as prolonged exposure can cause plastic items to warp or crack. Having said that, though, where possible, always try to store your cleaning equipment out of direct sunlight as prolonged exposure can cause plastic items to warp or crack.

The Two Bucket Wash

Whilst there are advantages of using one detailing bucket – cost is just one of them -, when it comes to washing a car, the ‘Two Bucket Method’ offers far more protection against the dreaded swirls and scratches. In fact, if you are using an automatic car wash, then unless the facility comes with its own drying system (and not all do), this is something that I would strongly recommend you use in order to maximize its protective properties! 

Note: Not only does two buckets aid in splatter prevention; it also aids in minimizing water wastage, increasing the vehicle’s exposure to an effective cleaning mix and it helps to create a ‘containment zone’ in which dirt is effectively picked up and held in place until it can be removed by the mitt.


Dr. Detail is the leading car detailing company in San Diego, CA. So contact us today to have an appointment with our experts today!

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