▷How To Keep Your Car Clean When You Have Messy Kids!

How To Keep Your Car Clean When You Have Messy Kids in San Diego

If you’re a parent, it is no surprise to look at the back seat to great calamity caused by children: damaged interior, mysterious spilled drinks, and much more.

Your car can turn into a mess! We know it’s a big hassle to keep your vehicle in the best condition when you have kids.

Here are a few tips from Dr. Detail to keep your car clean when you have messy kids.

No Food Rule

This is an excellent way to prevent your seats from filled with food crumbs. Establish a no food rule in the car. This rule will do wonders. You must enforce this rule on your kids if you wish to keep the leather of your seats in perfect condition.

Cupcake Liners in Cup Holders

All the cupcake liners that are entirely useless can now be utilized! A thoughtful way to keep your cup holders in the car neat and clean is by placing the cupcake liners in them. Pretty quick and straightforward.

Bath Rug as a Floor Mat

The car mats are always severely damaged by spilled drinks or dirty shoes. Try to place some extra bath rugs under your seats. This will keep your car mats clean as you could easily remove all the debris by shaking off the bath rugs.

Behind the Seat Trash Bag and Seat Cover

A simple way to get rid of the trash from your seats is by keeping a trash bag in your car.

If your vehicle is light-colored, this is the perfect way to prevent further damage to your precious car!

We hope these tips will help you keep your car clean, even while having messy kids inside the car!

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