▷Can You Wash A Car With Dish Soap In San Diego?

Can You Wash A Car With Dish Soap In San Diego?

Can You Wash A Car With Dish Soap In San Diego?

The Dos And Don’ts Of Washing Your Car

In the summertime, it’s easy to get your car dirty. All you need is a little rain and some dirt from the street, and voila! You have a dirty car that needs washing. It can be tempting to use dish soap in order to clean your car, but this should never be done because dish soap doesn’t actually work for cleaning cars (or anything else, really). 

In this blog post, we will discuss what you should do instead of using dish soap when trying to wash your car so that it looks nice and shiny again!

Americans spend over 18 days a year in their cars, and a lot of people have strong bonds with their automobiles. 

Some people even consider their car a member of the family! It’s not a surprise, then, that when it comes time to wash the vehicle, many are stumped about which dish soap or detergent is best for cleaning. Use this guide as your go-to in order to keep your precious automobile looking shiny and new:

Things To Do

The first thing to do is clean the exterior of your car. You don’t want dirt and dust laying on top of the paint job, or it will lead to scratches down the line. Next, wash off any visible bugs from your windshield with a solution made specifically for that purpose (or if you’re feeling really crafty, just use dish soap diluted in water. 

After that, it’s time to head inside. Switch your dish soap for a car wash and add some water before spraying onto the dashboard, seats, doors, floor mats (etc.). Once you’ve washed down all of these surfaces, dry them off with paper towels or clothes so they can be left nice and shiny! Finally- use a towel to dry off the exterior of your car.

It may seem like dish soap is an easy solution for washing your car, but it’s not really going to do anything. In order to get both surfaces and inside of your vehicle deep cleaned, you need something that has been made with cars in mind.

Workin’ On Your Car

Your car is a great investment. It is best to take care of it and get it washed regularly. By following the steps in this blog post, you will be able to keep your car looking clean and shiny so it can remain a happy member of the family! In case of any queries, feel free to give Dr. Detail a call at 619 888 8407.


If you are looking for the best car detailing services here in San Diego, then give us a call today at Dr. Detail.

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