▷When Should You Detail Your Car In San Diego?

When Should You Detail Your Car In San Diego?

When Should You Detail Your Car In San Diego?

Detailing a car is not always something that needs to be done. However, when you detail your car, it can have many benefits. There are different types of detail packages that you can purchase for your vehicle, such as the “express detail” package or “complete detail” package, depending on how often you want to detail your car and what level of cleanliness you would like. 

If someone has never detailed their car before, they might consider buying an express detail package where they will get the inside vacuumed out and any stains removed from carpets, seats, mats, etc. The exterior will be cleaned with clay bar treatment followed by two coats of sealant wax applied to all surfaces, including wheels and tires. The windows will also be cleaned with glass cleaner and any dirty marks removed.

Understanding the importance of car detailing is the reason why we are great at our work. To know when you must detail your car is as easy as understanding these points: 

  • The best time of day to detail your vehicle.
  • Detailing your car in preparation for cold weather.
  • Understanding the best temperature of your car for detailing.
  • Detailing your car either before a sale (to increase the sale price) or after buying your car (to preserve its condition). 

Ideal Time For Detailing

The ideal time of day to detail your car is late morning or early afternoon. These are the hours when the sun’s rays won’t be shining directly on your paintwork, and harsh UV light can damage it if not taken into account by choosing a different hour for detailing. 

Keeping this in mind, you might want to detail your car before winter sets in so that it remains protected from any damages caused by salt residue left behind after snow melts off sidewalks, roads, etc. 

For those interested in selling their cars right away (perhaps because they’re relocating), then detail them beforehand to make sure they look their best while attracting potential buyers as much as possible! When buying a new car, however, wait until afterward so that you can protect its paint sealant.

Car Temperature For Detailing

Just as important as the consideration of the time of day for detailing is the temperature of the car. Detailing on a hot car can lead to detailers’ fingerprints becoming imprinted onto the paint, which then turns into water spots. Not only does this look bad but it is also difficult and potentially expensive to remove from your vehicle!

If you’re detailing in cold weather (below freezing), be mindful of ice crystals that may form when sprayed with detailers or other liquid products.


If you are looking for the best car detailing services here in San Diego, then give us a call today at Dr. Detail.

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